
eventually this will be a cool grid where when you hover over the album the stuff I wrote shows up

My dad owns a CD of this album and I first listened to it after downloading it onto my mp3 player to take to sleepaway camp. I liked the song Fast Car but I didn't know any other Tracy Chapman songs. I love this album I think it's beautiful, full of emotion and power but also not too overwhelming. Forgetting a word here.

This is the first Radiohead album I ever listened to. A friend recommended it to me


This album is just so fun. Very relatable and earwormy songs. I usually listen to it all the way through while doing random chores and stuff. I like how gupi does music

This is one of my favorite albums and musicals of all time ever. I first listened to it when I was around 12 and would listen to it at night before I went to sleep, and all the time during the day. My dad owned the Original Broadway Cast Recording and I downloaded it onto my mp3 player. Spotify doesn't have all of it which annoys me. I haven't listened to the whole thing in a while because I lost my mp3 player. The tune ups and voicemails are very important to the listening experience and Spotify is missing them!

Another really fun hyperpop album. I mean it has mos thoser. What else do I say